(2) 45-STN Stainless Steel Mounting Clips for 45 ALU and SILER Extrusions

A set of 2 clips for mounting our 45 ALU and SILER Extrusions. Works with 45 ALU triangular and SILER extrusions only. Comes with 2 clips for a secure mounting solution of 1 meter channels with no need to drill through channel or use adhesive for mounting.
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(4) Product Questions |
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dave asked: Apr 2, 2014 I wanted dimensions of this clip. What is the dimensions of the aluminum profile it clips to? 1" wide?? Ecolocity LED Responded: Apr 2, 2014 Dave, thanks for your question. You should have received an email explaining that your question would be answered the following business day. Like the product description says, this clip only fits the triangle extrusion EX-KL-5FR-1M or EX-KL-5CL-1M. This clip is 3/4" wide and 1/4" deep. We do not have any clips for the 1" wide extrusion. |
Andrei asked: Jun 17, 2016 A question about Extrusion Mounting Clip for Triangle profile. How does on attach profile to the clip? It is clear from the picture that one can slide the profile along its length into the clips, starting from one end. This would be the way to go on a wall, but under a cabinet, where the profile is hidden below the cabinet's frame and has about the same length as the cabinet, one can only press it into the clip, so that it clicks into the clip. Is it possible with this clip design? Ecolocity LED Responded: Jun 20, 2016 Andrei, sorry for the late reply. Yes the channel simply snap into the clips with a little pressure and proper alignment. |
Gabriel Raileanu asked: Nov 9, 2020 What screws do you recommend for this clip? Ecolocity LED Responded: Nov 9, 2020 It depends the substrate you are mounting to. The screw must have a flat head in order to sink below the space where the channel clips into the mount. Most flat head mounting screws will be suffice depending on the length you need for a secure mount. Standard cabinet hardware mounting screws would be the size I would recommend for most applications. |
Gabriel Raileanu asked: Nov 9, 2020 Extrusion Mounting Clip for 45 ALU and SILER Extrusions SKU: EX-KL1-CLIP-1 What is the dimension of the hole? Do you have a 3D STEP file or a part drawing? I need to model it for a 3D application. Thank you. Ecolocity LED Responded: Nov 9, 2020 Hi Gabriel, copy and paste this URL into the browser and it should take you to a download for the 3d file. https://www.ecolocityled.com/downloads/45-STN-Mounting-bracket.zip |